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Uto Ughi will be the President of the International Jury of the 58th Edition

The Premio Paganini, furthering its commitment to renewal, names an absolute master of the violin as Chairman of the Jury: Uto Ughi.

President Panebianco announced that the great Maestro, a prominent figure in national and international violin circles, has accepted the invitation to preside over the International Jury of the 58th edition of the Award, which will take place in Genoa in October 2025.

A special meeting of the Executive Committee will be convened shortly for the formalities, pursuant to the Regulations of the organization.

"The invitation to preside over the International Jury of the 58th edition of the Paganini Prize honors me and fills me with joy: I immediately welcomed it with enthusiasm” – declares Uto Ughi.

“I thank the President Giovanni Panebianco and, with him, the Mayor of Genoa Marco Bucci. As soon as the procedural steps within the Committee are completed - continues Ughi - I will start working together with the new Artistic Director, Nicola Bruzzo, and with the entire team. I am particularly pleased to work in a competition aimed at young people and to be able to pass on to them a lifetimes of experiences and skills" - states the Maestro who then concludes: "this is a great responsibility, above all a cultural one, in which I believe strongly: young people are the future, even in the world of the violin".