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57th Competition
Genoa and its violins
Il Cannone
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58th International Violin Competition
"Premio Paganini"
Genoa, 14 - 26 October 2025
Registration has closed on 11 February 2025
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Preselection Stage
Admitted candidates
Paganini for everyone
A new collaboration with le Dimore del Quartetto
Dates Announced for the Preselection Rounds of the..
The Premio Paganini in Muscat
The presentation of “Hotel Bristol Palace - Duetor..
King Charles III attends the Premio Paganini conce..
Presentation in London of the 58th "Premio Paganin..
Simon Zhu in concert in London with Paganini's Can..
The Premio Paganini at the Prado Museum in Madrid
Artribune interview with President Giovanni Paneb..
Simon Zhu guest of honour at the 2024 Portofino In..
Simon Zhu at the Festival Paganiniano of Carro
Premio Paganini with LacMus Festival
Premio Paganini: the new President of the Premio P..
Historic agreement between Premio Paganini and the..
Paganini at the presentation of the 10th Portofino..
Premio Paganini at the 2024 General Assembly of th..
Genoa and Premio Paganini on NHK TV
Uto Ughi will be the President of the Internationa..
The Paganini Committee unanimously renews Maestro ..
Nicola Bruzzo appointed as the new Artistic Direct..
Paganini's ‘Il Cannone’ brought from Genova to Gre..
Guangzhou delegation visiting Premio Paganini head..
Avviso pubblico di selezione (SCADUTO)
Premio Paganini at the Louvre
Enrico De Barbieri member of the committee
Premio Paganini in London
Winners have been announced
Simon Zhu wins the 57th Premio Paganini
Three new Ambassadors have been appointed
Audience voting
The Premio Paganini is an honorary member of the N..
New schedule for the Final B stage
Competitors for the Final B have been selected
The finalists of the 57th Premio Paganini
Semifinals: admitted competitors and schedule
Press Conference
Elimination round schedule
WFIMC interview with President Panebianco
Conductor Michele Gamba
Long live Paganini!
57th Paganini Prize - Side Events
Pianists: Bellocchio, Cattarossi, Messa
Giuseppe Gibboni in concert on the closing night o..
Prince Albert awarded the title of Paganini Ambass..
30 young violinists admitted to the elimination ro..
Paganini’s “Cannone” violin is being replicated In..
26 June 2023 - Premio Paganini side events
Premio Paganini in Portofino for CLIP 2023
Interview with Giovanni Panebianco and Giovanni Ma..
Premio Paganini at "Mattino 5"
Premio Paganini in Madrid
183rd anniversary of Niccolò Paganini's death
Premio Paganini celebrates 70 years
Dedicata a Niccolò Paganini la puntata di Mercoled..
Award concerts of the 57th edition
Presentation of the book “Paganini e … Livorno”
The Jury of the 57th edition has been appointed
Premio Paganini features a new piece by Silvia Col..
Luna Costantini, the preselection pianist
Pre-selection rounds
A record number of applicants to the Premio Pagani..
Candidates admitted to the 57th edition: update Ma..
Inaugurata la nuova sede a Palazzo Doria Carcassi...
Rome, Mayor Bucci consigns the title to the new Pa..
“Casa della Salute” supports the 57th Internationa..
Il Principe Alberto di Monaco nuovo Ambassador del..
RAI Cultura - Special Premio Paganini
Presentation of the 57th edition of “Premio Pagani..
"Paganini's First Concert” exhibited in Palazzo Tu..
Genoa celebrates 240 years from the birth of Pagan..
Maestro Salvatore Accardo President of the Jury
Special Prizes
Towards the 57th edition of the Premio Paganini
Giuseppe Gibboni plays Paganini's “Cannone”
Maestro Nazzareno Carusi is the Artistic Director
Tribute to Niccolò Paganini
The new Award Committee is established
Giovanni Panebianco new President of Premio Pagani..
57th edition